01453 885497 info@mclt.org.uk
Gloucestershire Carers Hub

Gloucestershire Carers Hub

Gloucestershire Carers Hub will be at Minchinhampton Library on Tuesday, 21st February between 10.00am and 12 noon and 2.00 until 3.00pm. Gloucestershire Carers Hub supports unpaid carers who look after someone else. If you provide support to a partner, relative or...
Half-term Craft Sessions

Half-term Craft Sessions

Come along to the library during half-term, as we are holding two craft afternoons for children. They are free of charge. Drop in on Tuesday, 21st February and Thursday, 23rd February from 2.00-4.00pm.  All children must be accompanied by an...
New Social Book Club

New Social Book Club

If you love reading and talking about books, there is a new Social Book Club starting at Minchinhampton Community Library, at 10.30am on Wednesday 18th January. It’ll be a relaxing informal book chat over tea and coffee, with no pressure to have read a certain book....