Update from MCLT (Minchinhampton Community Library Trust)
When the community library was closed at the end of March due to Covid 19 we hoped it would be for no longer than 13 weeks. However, for obvious reasons, this is not the case. The library will stay closed until it is safe (and legal) to open it again. We hope this will be September but of course there is no guarantee. In the meantime the trustees are working on making it a safe environment for volunteers and customers. As well as probably changing the layout, this involves ordering screens and PPE, both of which take some weeks to be delivered.
We hope to see all our customers again in due course. In the meantime, stay safe.
We really miss Nina and Mike and all the lovely staff at Michinhampton Library.
We hope they are all safe and well and hope to see them very soon.
Please send them our best wishes
Danella, Anya and Eloisa Pockett
Thank you so much, we are really happy to hear from you. The current plan is to open, taking necessary precautions, in early September. And I am told there will be a lovely surprise for our loyal customers. (I haven’t been told what this is, so I am looking forward to finding out myself!)