Click and Collect Service from Monday 8th March
Following the latest announcement from Boris, it has been decided that Minchinhampton Library will now offer a click and collect service from Monday March 8th. You will be able to reserve books online and then a member of library staff will telephone you to arrange collection. Your book will then be waiting for you on a trolley at the front entrance of the library in order to maintain social distancing.
As from April 12th, we are hoping to completely reopen. Initially, opening times will be as follows:
MONDAY 2 – 4.30pm
TUESDAY 10am – 12 noon, 2 – 4.30pm
FRIDAY 10am – 12 noon, 2 – 4.30pm
We would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support and understanding and look forward to welcoming you back into the library very soon.