If you love reading and talking about books, there is a new Social Book Club starting at Minchinhampton Community Library, at 10.30am on Wednesday 18th January.
It’ll be a relaxing informal book chat over tea and coffee, with no pressure to have read a certain book. You can share as much or as little as you wish.
For the first meeting, please bring any book you’ve recently read and would like to share. We’ll decide together what books we’d like to share in future months.
The plan is that this will be held regularly on the third Wednesday of each month at 10.30 am. So the following meetings would be 15th February, 15th March, 12th April, 17th May, etc.
The meeting on 18th January is definitely happening, but as we are just setting the group up, please check with the library before coming to following meetings, in case plans change.
We’d love to see you on Wednesday to hear about what you’ve been reading.